Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Takeout-Style Coconut Chicken

I think I've always liked coconut. I was never a huge fan when I was younger, but I've always liked the taste. However, after going on the Whole 30, I am slightly obsessed. I love using coconut oil for just about any dish. It gives food such a nice nutty flavor.

This takeout-style way of making chicken, is delicious. I love that you make the chicken brown and crispy first. It gives it a "fried" taste. It's definitely one of those trickster meals. Give it to someone, and they won't even know it's healthy!

High Heels and Grills is where this recipe originated (I tweaked it a little to make it Paleo-friendly). I came across the site on Pinterest. Pinterest is awesome in that way. I think it's so cool that you can discover so many sites, just from a few recipes!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What I Did Last Weekend (2/12-2/14)

We had a great weekend in Cincy. For Valentine's, we went to a candlelit coffee and dessert event with live music. And we attended the Cincinnati Ballet's Cinderella on Sunday. It was all quite a treat!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tuesday Night Chicken Recipe

Whenever I am looking for a recipe while meal planning, I always find myself putting the words "easy," "fast," "simple," etc... in the search field. I love to cook, but I also love a simple weeknight meal that will put dinner on the table super quick.

This recipe is from Stupid Easy Paleo. She's not lying. This recipe is definitely stupid easy. But also stupid delicious. There's a nice kick to this chicken! There's a couple of seasoning blend recipes in there too. I really loved the taste of the Italian Seasoning Blend. I plan on using that again for sure!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What I Did Last Weekend (2/5-2/7/2016)

Dinner at Taft's Ale House in OTR. The brewery is in an old church, and the architecture was breath-taking. Plus, the food and drinks were on point. DEFINITELY recommend this place.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Deconstructed Beef Samosa

Indian food is for sure one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to food. I mean it's just SO good. I really have never had a bad experience. I mean, yes, there are places that are better than others. But, I literally don't think I have ever tried an Indian dish and been like "Eww, that doesn't taste good."

So, when I find a healthy version of anything Indian, I get really excited. I found this recipe on Pinterest. It's from My Heart Beets. It was a very fast and simple meal with tons of spice and flavors. I tweaked it a little, and found it very delicious. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fresh Juice Recipe: Carrot, Apple, Ginger

Lately, I have really been loving fresh juice. I mean who doesn't? We have a couple juice shops close to us, and they are phenomenal. I love popping into them, and seeing what new ingredients and combinations they are using.

However, going to these shops can get awfully pricey. Plus, J & I got a juicer for our wedding! It's a little bit more work, but I think it's definitely worth it. If you don't have a juicer, you can use a good blender as well. Just have a nice strainer on hand to strain the juice before you drink it.

This particular recipe is great for winter. It's guaranteed to boost your immune system. Lots and lots of vitamins and antioxidants from the apples and carrots. Not to mention the numerous benefits of ginger including anti-inflammatory properties and lowering cholesterol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Instant Pot Pork Mexi-Stew

Okay okay... This is the last instant pot recipe for a little bit! Promise! It's just so much fun to use.

Stews are one of my favorite things to make when it's winter. Even more than chili. It's just so comforting and delicious. All the flavors meld together and stew into a wonderful dish. You could totally make some adjustments to cook this recipe in the slow cooker or even in a dutch oven.

This Pork Mexi-Stew is really delicious. I got the idea from My Heart Beets' Carne Guisada. I swapped the beef for pork and then added a bit more broth to make it more of a stew. MMM MMM! My Heart Beets has a lot of grain free recipes, and even some great Whole 30 recipes, so definitely check out the site.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Instant Pot Braised Kale & Carrots

I warned you about the Instant Pot recipes! I can't help it. I'm friggin obsessed with this thing. And then when paired with the crockpot, you have a whole meal in under 10 minutes....

Could it get any easier!?!?

It has snowed a bit in Ohio, and it's starting to look and feel more like winter. Cold and flu season is upon us in full force, and comfort food is a must. Especially comfort food that packs a punch of nutrients and antioxidants.

Say what you will about Kale, but there is no denying it's health benefits. Kale is high in vitamins A, K and C. It is also a great source of calcium, magnesium, iron & antioxidants. And then there's carrots with beta carotene and fiber.

Hello!? This side dish is a no-brainer. With this delicious recipe from Nom Nom Paleo, you will have no problem going back for seconds. Cooking the ingredients in the Instant Pot leaves the kale tender and flavorful. You could also try cooking it a little longer in the Dutch oven as well, if you don't have a pressure cooker.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sweet Potato Noodles with Chicken & Cashew Sauce

You heard right! Sweet potato noodles :) When I was searching for a recipe to utilize my new spiralizer, I saw this beauty of a recipe and stopped dead in my tracks. I mean YUM right!?

The original recipe is from Pinch of Yum. And after looking at her site, I guarantee I'll be back for more recipes soon. They all look pretty delicious.

The Paderno Spiralizer was another awesome gift this Christmas. I've been making my zucchini noodles with a large box grater. It works okay, but this way is super easy. It cuts down on a lot of time and waste. You get a lot more noodles with the spiralizer. I also received the Inspiralized cookbook, so I'll be diving into that soon as well. The spiralizer took a couple tries to get used to, but once I got going, it was AWESOME! I'll be making everything into noodles from now on ;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Easy Meal Planning 101

With the new year starting, many people make a pledge to get healthy! It's great! You have a super go-getter attitude, and nothing will stop you. What makes this goal easier to attain and maintain (key word) is planning. Without a plan, you are more likely to get tired of what you are doing. In order to stick to a new diet or workout plan, you need consistency. Your goal should be more like a lifestyle. I know you've heard this over and over and over... But, when you get in the habit of meal planning, everything falls into place. It's routine. And routine leads to lifestyle. Before you know it, you feel so much better, you have lots of energy, and you're loving life!

Here are my easy meal planning tips for a fantastic 2016!

Monday, January 4, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! | Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage Recipe

HAPPY NEW YEAR Foodies! Another year has passed, and I must say, it's been a good one. I cannot believe we are moving on to 2016. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was staring at the computer waiting for the world to end NYE circa Y2K. Remember that?

Anywho, I hope you all had a great holiday. It can be rough coming back to work or school or just getting back to normal life after the holidays. I thought I would lighten things up with a new recipe to start off the new year. :)

We had a great Christmas at the Kinder house. We traveled back to Indiana for a couple long weekends with family. We have a nice schedule worked out for Christmas Eve and Christmas that leaves our day stress-free, and we get to see most of our family. We are truly #blessed. I received many amazing gifts this year. My family really knows me. The best gifts that I always get are the "surprises." Every year since I was little, I make my list, but I always ask for surprises! The stuff that I don't even know I want.

This year, J did really well. He got me something that I really didn't even know I needed/wanted. He got me an Instant Pot! Have you heard of these things!? I mean I think I had heard maybe something here or there, but they are all the rage in the Paleo community apparently. They are truly one pot wonders. The Instant Pot is a pressure cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker, slow cooker, and even more. I was so pumped about this gift that I have already used it about 5 times in less than a week.

I was particularly excited to break this baby out on New Years Day. Another tradition we have, is eating corned beef and cabbage for good luck on NYD.  So I broke out the (FREAKING AMAZING) Instant Pot, and made the recipe below. Guess what? Delicious. The flavors that came through were just great, and in basically no time, with little work.

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